Recently I had cause to revisit a topic that often seems to cause problems for people coming to Ansible for the first time, especially for people (like me) who don’t have a development background. How to iterative over inventory variables or facts using a simple Jinja2 template.
It can be a fussy task to get your head around and the documentation isn’t the greatest to the newcomer, so this is going to be a very short post to try and break down the issue with as little jargon as possible.

What’s The Problem? A Real World Scenario
One of the most common things we want to do with Ansible is build a configuration file for a remote server. Ideally, we want to do this dynamically based on data from our Inventory but accessing and iterating over the inventory can be a little tricky to understand.
In this example, we’ll be working with an inventory with 5 hosts named webserver01 – webserver05:
#--inventory.yaml --- all: hosts: webserver[01:05] children: webservers: webserver[01:05] vars: system_domain: ...
For our demonstration, we’re going to be creating a haproxy configuration file, which is going to need to end up looking like this:
#--haproxy.cfg defaults mode http timeout check 10s frontend http bind *:443 mode tcp default_backend application backend application mode tcp balance roundrobin server check fall 3 rise 2 server check fall 3 rise 2 server check fall 3 rise 2 server check fall 3 rise 2 server check fall 3 rise 2
So how do we get this file?
The Solution
Obviously we can look up the hostname of our servers using the ansible host variable. However we can’t just use that in a play. On the surface it might look that way but if we do we’ll just end up with a config file with file that has the same entry 5 times because we aren’t looping over anything, this is where using a Jinja2 template comes in. We can also look up the IP address of each node by making use of Ansible facts, allowing us to dynamically look up the IP address of each server at run time.
First we need to create a separate template file, named haproxy.cfg.j2 (this is just the name of whatever file you’re trying to create with an additional .j2 suffix). In there we’ll add some templating logic:
#--haproxy.cfg.j2 defaults mode http timeout check 10s frontend http bind *:443 mode tcp default_backend application backend application mode tcp balance roundrobin {% for host in groups['webservers'] %} server {{ host }}.{{ system_domain }} {{ hostvars[host].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:8080 check fall 3 rise 2 {% endfor %}
We can then reference this file using an Ansible task:
--- - name: Build Config Files hosts: webservers gather_facts: true any_errors_fatal: tasks: - name: Build haproxy.cfg template: src: haproxy.cfg.j2 dest: haproxy.cfg ...
This will produce exactly the configuration file that we’re looking for!