Recently I had cause to revisit a topic that often seems to cause problems for people coming to Ansible for the first time, especially for people (like me) who don’t have a development background. How to iterative over inventory variables or facts using a simple Jinja2 template. It can be a fussy task to get your head around and the documentation isn’t the greatest to the newcomer, so this is . . .
My home lab has been getting a bit long in the tooth recently. These days I work mostly with container platforms and Infrastructure as Code but those are mostly put to work inside the opaque walls of public cloud providers and not on bare metal (I.E. my own physical or virtual servers). When it comes to container platforms, Kubernetes is the one I spend most of my time with. Running . . .
Recently I’ve been writing some Ansible plays for a personal project and looking around online reminded me just how much people struggle with handling loops. It’s not a huge surprise, whilst the documentation is pretty clear it’s written in a slightly abstract way that can a little difficult to absorb if you’re a newcomer to Ansible, this isn’t aided by the fact that there are several options for looping and . . .
Without a doubt the topic that seems to confuse people the most when using Ansible Tower is working with Credentials. Especially how to pass multiple credentials from either an external Secret Management source (which we’ve looked at a few times here) or just defining some arbitrary set of credentials and using them in a template. I get emails about this topic from readers on a fairly regular basis and professionally . . .
A question that I’ve been approached about several times recently is how to lookup multiple Hashicorp Vault Secrets and assign them to a single Ansible Tower Credential for use in a Playbook. A while ago I looked at the process of integrating Hashicorp Vault with Ansible Tower (a less that perfect process in the first place) but this has repeatedly led to the same question about multiple Secrets, so in . . .
I’m a long time fan of Juniper networking devices, there seems to be a snobbery against them for reasons I’ve never understood. Imagine my disappointment to find that this was reflected somewhat in the Ansible documentation where JUNOS seems to be the black sheep and the guides are a little patchy. Recently I’ve been having some fun integrating Ansible with JUNOS and this post is going to look at both . . .
Ansible Vault isn’t, if I’m honest, a solution that I’ve ever found much use for in my day to day work. I prefer to use a centralised Secrets Management solution wherever it’s practical (particularly favouring Hashicorp Vault). These systems however are time consuming to properly deploy have a steep learning curve, depending on the scale of your deployments and integration requirements Ansible Vault might serve you just fine and I . . .
Recently I’ve been presented with the same question from a couple of readers so I’m going to run through it quickly. A while back I looked at integrating Azure KeyVault with Ansible Tower (a horribly documented scenario in my experience), but I didn’t really cover how to call multiple KeyVault Secrets and assign them to a single Ansible Tower Credential for use in a Playbook. Please take a look at . . .
Ansible is a big favourite of mine as anyone that knows me will tell you and has become one of the biggest players in the DevOps world, inevitably if you’re going to use it at any real scale you’ll need to start thinking about tags. Tags are an essential part of life in the cloud, given the scale and complexity we can encounter they really become the only way to . . .
When I first started using Ansible, querying JSON was a source of constant frustration. Most of the articles I could find on the topic seem particularly interested in a long lesson on the topic of how JSON is structured. Whilst that is important to understand I couldn’t really find a guide that just broke down a few simple queries like I wanted. I’m not even going to attempt to talk . . .