My home lab has been getting a bit long in the tooth recently. These days I work mostly with container platforms and Infrastructure as Code but those are mostly put to work inside the opaque walls of public cloud providers and not on bare metal (I.E. my own physical or virtual servers). When it comes to container platforms, Kubernetes is the one I spend most of my time with. Running . . .
In previous posts I’ve looked at the setup of AlienVault OSSIM and managing logs from both Windows and Linux Operating Systems. However as any admin knows dealing with servers is only half the battle when it comes to logs, network devices are arguably the most important part. In this post we’ll be looking at log management for Juniper JUNOS, Cisco IOS and VMware EXSi devices in particular, all of which . . .
My personal infrastructure has gone through a number of iterations. Starting as a 450mhz Pentium 3 Ubuntu 7.04 server running SMB on a single 5400 RPM IDE disk cobbled together through a BT home hub and some cheap megabit switches, it later became an Ubuntu 14.06 host on a laptop with a broken screen and gigabit switches, then a Pentium 4 desktop and then a lightweight Gigabyte Brix mini-PC before . . .