This article was going to be a look at how to configure IAM roles to work with EKS Service Accounts, however that topic is already well documented in the AWS docs right here. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with it in a technical sense, I can’t help find it a little clunky, using the AWS CLI and eksctl to get the job done.
I’ve been pretty unattracted to eksctl (though it does offer an easy way to support small deployments) as it has a tendency to leave rogue artifacts in your infrastructure. Personally I favour a Terraform solution to crack this nut so I’ve written a simple module to deliver the functionality.
The finished module can be found on the Terraform Registry here and this post is going to take a brief look at how it works.

Understanding The Auth Flow
So before we dive in to this, let’s understand how the authentication actually works. We’ll be using an OIDC Identity Provider for authentication (which was introduced in EKS Version 1.16). The diagram below breaks down how our finished product behaves at a high level and what security is enforced:

- Step 1: A Kubernetes workload sends a request to an AWS Service (in this example S3) via a Service Account.
- Step 2: The Service Account uses AWS STS to send a request to an OIDC Provider associated with the EKS Cluster. This issues a short term access token.
- Step 3: This token is requested via an AWS IAM Role. This role can only be assumed by the Kubernetes Service Account, within the Namespace that the request originated.
- Step 4: The IAM Role is limited to whatever access is granted by it’s associated IAM Policies.
- Step 5: Access is granted to the requested AWS Service (in this example S3) once permissions have been verified.
- Step 6: The requested access is granted to the Kubernetes workload that initiated the request.
This approach is very attractive and lets us enforce nice strict security without having to do anything as unpleasant as bake credentials in to our container, but the setup process is pretty cumbersome and there’s a lot of things that could go wrong when manually creating something with such complexity, so lets take a look at a Terraform option for some templating and automation.
Getting The OIDC URLs
When an EKS Cluster is created an OIDC Issuer URL is created along with it. This might not be immediately obvious but it’s visible in the AWS Console after the creation of a cluster. When creating a cluster via Terraform using the aws_eks_cluster resource this URL can be obtained as the return value aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer.
This URL is essential for the creation of the OIDC Provider that we’ll be using in our authentication process:
resource "aws_iam_openid_connect_provider" "eks" { client_id_list = [""] thumbprint_list = ["9e99a48a9960b14926bb7f3b02e22da2b0ab7280"] url = aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer }
NOTE: Pay particular attention to the Certificate Thumbprint being passed in the thumbprint_list argument, this is the thumbprint for the AWS Certificate Authority, without this your authentication is going to fall apart!
This resource provides two important return attributes in the form of arn and url which we can use to inform our new module.
Creating The IAM Components and Kubernetes Service Account
I won’t dive in to the minutia of how the module works for the sake of brevity (the source is here), but we can now produce the final product using:
module "tinfoil_sa" { source = "" service_account_name = "tinfoil-sa" iam_policy_arns = ["arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/tinfoil-limited-access"] kubernetes_namespace = "tinfoil" enabled_sts_services = ["ec2", "rds", "s3"] openid_connect_provider_arn = aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.eks.arn #--Return values from earlier resource openid_connect_provider_url = aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.eks.url #--Return values from earlier resource }
The attached policy tinfoil-limited-access grants a very limited amount of access to specific EC2, RDS and S3 services, further limiting the access of our service account.
We need now only run a terraform apply to create our resources. As we can see the IAM Role has been created correctly with the appropriate Trust Relationship established. The AWS console shows a friendly breakdown of the generated Policy Document:

2 – The ARN of the OIDC Provider used for authentication
3 – The allowed k8s Service Account and Namespace allowed to use this OIDC Provider
A Terraform Dynamic Block is leveraged to ensure that a new IAM Statement is generated for each AWS Service defined against the enabled_sts_services argument, the below snippet shows this broken down:
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "this" { ... dynamic "statement" { for_each = var.enabled_sts_services #--A for_each loop iterates over the enabled_sts_services list iterator = enabled_sts_services #--enabled_sts_services is defined as the loop iterator content { sid = "GrantSTS${upper(enabled_sts_services.value)}" #--The iteration is switched to uppercase for the statement SID actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"] principals { type = "Service" identifiers = ["${enabled_sts_services.value}"] #--The iteration is used to grant STS access } effect = "Allow" } } ... }
Finally, if we examine the Kubernetes Service Account, we can see that the IAM Role has been properly assigned:
kubectl get serviceaccount tinfoil-sa -n tinfoil -o yaml

Any workload using this Service Account can now implicitly access the relevant AWS Services.