A while ago I wrote an article breaking down how to deploy Hashicorp Vault using NGINX as a reverse proxy. It has been a popular article but after it had been up for a couple of years I got some comments that my proposed method wasn’t recommended and that using an HTTP Reverse Proxy generally is insecure for a few reasons.
I don’t like the idea of putting bad information out in to the world, especially information that gets seen so much by people who are obviously trying to do the same thing as me, so I set some time aside to try and investigate if using an HTTP proxy is such a bad idea. In the process I realised that there is really quite a lot of confusion going on and a lot of misconceptions flying around, so I thought I’d talk a bit about it and maybe someone will find that useful.

What Even Is A Reverse Proxy?
Reverse Proxy is a complicated sounding name for a simple idea. As the name implies they act as a “proxy” for clients making requests to a regular web service. As a client you might think you’re interacting with a regular web server but in reality you are speaking to a Reverse Proxy sitting in front, which forwards your traffic on to an upstream service as appropriate, the application that eventually receives this traffic is referred to as the origin. Usually Reverse Proxy applications are bundled with other widely-needed features; such as load balancing or auth services.
Generally, most of our applications run on Unprivileged Ports (MySQL runs on TCP/3306, Postgres runs on TCP/5432). These ports are Unprivileged in the sense that any user can bind one of them to a service and create a socket, offering it up for connections. Long ago in the original designs of the Unix Kernel a design decision was taken to earmark the first 1024 ports as Privileged Ports, reserved for use by legitimate and well known services.
A service can only be bound to one of these Privileged Ports by root (or at least a superuser), so in order for your application to present itself directly on one of them it too would need to run as root. It is generally undesirable to give an application such high privileges or to expose them fully to consumers given the impact that being compromised might have.
This is where our Reverse Proxy steps in. it often does run on a Privileged Port (specifically TCP/443 to accept HTTPS connections) and forwards traffic to your origin application at a specific port and address. This has the advantage that a single proxy may manage traffic for multiple logical origins, forwarding traffic to them as appropriate. With this separation of frontend and backend, the proxy and origins can be hardened and managed as separate elements.
Other than port translation and process separation, there are some more practical reasons to consider a Reverse Proxy for your application:
- Traffic Shaping and Manipulation: Various forms of traffic management before reaching your origin
- High Availability: Various forms of Load Balancing can be implemented before traffic hits your origin
- Authentication and Authorisation: Admission control can be handled in front of your origin.
- Strict Firewall Requirements: Even if you wanted to, you may not be able to open yet another port on your downstream firewall
- Compatibility: Exposing applications on Unprivileged Ports can run in to strange configuration issues with some external firewalls, usually because you’re encouraged not to use them, best to do things properly and avoid that.
Layer 4 and Layer 7 Reverse Proxies
There are two main types of Reverse Proxy out there, Layer 4 (TCP/UDP) and Layer 7 (HTTP). I have noticed a tendency to oversimplify the differences between them and be quite prescriptive about which one is “best” for different circumstances. This isn’t helped by the fact that several of the biggest products can be run in both Layer 4 and Layer 7 modes and have big, vocal fan bases. In an effort to try and clarify things, the table below mentions some of the popular options and how you can use them:
Application | Layer Modes | Platform |
NGINX | 4, 7 | Linux, Windows, Kubernetes |
Apache | 7 | Linux, Windows |
HAProxy | 4, 7 | Linux, Kubernetes |
Squid | 7 | Linux, Windows |
IIS ARR | 7 | Microsoft Windows |
AWS ALB | 7 | Amazon Web Services |
Azure Application Gateway | 7 | Microsoft Azure |
There is often a lot of confusion online when it comes to discussing the use of TCP/UDP and HTTP as if they are exclusive, but really TCP/UDP and HTTP work together as part of the process of encapsulation. When you make an HTTP request, the application data is ultimately sliced up in to TCP segments (or UDP datagrams), which are in turn used to transport the original data to your application.
Let’s take a look at how these two types of Reverse Proxy fundamentally differ:
Layer 4 (Transport)
These will handle inbound TCP or UDP connections and forward them to your application. This can be used for any application that uses TCP/UDP as it’s Transport layer, including HTTP.
- This can be a very fast and efficient arrangement and the proxy often has much less work to do. We can just forward TCP segments directly to our origin in one continuous stream which is pretty inexpensive for the proxy. The down side is that your application will always have a 1:1 relationship between the amount of client connections coming in the amount of connections your origin has to handle.
- TLS encrypted data can be forwarded transparently to the origin (a process called TLS passthrough). Despite what you read, Layer 4 Reverse Proxies can terminate TLS just fine, but it’s uncommon and not very practical.
- Caching isn’t usually an option since responses tend to be handled by the origin.
- Whilst fast, this is a rigid system. The proxy can’t inspect the application traffic it’s forwarding, it can only see the TCP/UDP headers and so can only make routing decisions based on that information, practically this boils down to source and destination IP. This is potentially very expensive for the origin as you cannot rewrite data before it reaches the application which might then have to do a lot of heavy lifting.

Layer 7 (Application)
These will handle inbound HTTP connections up front and then establish a TCP session with the origin (typically using an HTTP tunnel). Technically this means that every connection to the proxy results in two TCP sessions (one on the frontend and one on the backend) and the application traffic is relayed between them by the proxy (the specifics of how this works differs between HTTP versions, just to make life harder).
- This arrangement provides us with a lot of flexility to make routing decisions based on any of the other layers down to and including Layer 4. This means things like hostnames, paths, certificate metadata, origin are now all on the table.
- HTTP requests can be modified before reaching the application as required, headers can be added, stripped etc. This is attractive for flexility and application performance but has security implications that shouldn’t be ignored. This could be a juicy target for someone trying to attack your system so hardening is essential.
- Effective request caching is often built in to Reverse Proxies that can mean less work for your application by serving up content before requests reach the origin.
- Connection management can be a lot smarter, multiple frontend requests can often be worked through less backend requests (a concept called Connection Pooling).
- The trade off here is that all this extra processing is expensive for the proxy, but potentially takes a lot of cost away from the origin application.

The Crazy World of TLS Certificates
OK, that was complicated enough, so let’s make it worse…
Certificates have a tendency to make everything a lot more complicated. In my experience they are a very misunderstood topic (with good reason, they are built on decades of jank, oblique systems and legitimate complexity). Their inclusion in any system tends to lead to a lot of misconceptions and there are a couple points of confusion that I keep seeing over and over again that relate to Reverse Proxies:
HTTPS Proxies – Insecure On The Inside?
The most common thing I keep hearing is that you should avoid using an HTTP Reverse Proxy since you will be forced to terminate TLS at the proxy and not at your origin. This will lead to a situation where you have an insecure channel between your proxy and application. Is that true?
Well, it could be true, it depends on your configuration. Most example configurations you see in documentation suggest such a configuration and this would indeed leave your traffic beyond the proxy visible to anyone with superuser permissions on the host. The traffic will be will be visible to a packet sniffer including the responses from the application.

will be in the clear and visible to a packet sniffer running on the Reverse Proxy host. Traffic is also potentially visible to a number of other methods, such as reading data from memory, caches or application logs. Any these methods however will require superuser permissions.
A potential way to avoid this is to encrypt your traffic to the origin target. In this method another session is started which itself is TLS encrypted, meaning that no data has to transmitted in the clear. I have heard claims that because traffic is decrypted before being sent to the origin that a design like this is inherently insecure, but I disagree with this.
Under such a configuration traffic is never transmitted in the clear. When a TCP session is established with your origin a new TLS handshake is completed before any data is actually sent. It is true however that data may be stored in a request cache or in memory, so it is critical that the HTTP proxy be properly configured to prevent these being accessed without a serious effort, but this is true of any secure host.

Another benefit offered here is that your proxy and origin application will likely be using two different TLS implementations. This is attractive in high security environments as a vulnerability in one would be impossible to leverage because of protection by the other.
The Cost of Encryption
I often see posts where people are trying to secure all connections in their system with TLS. Whilst this is perhaps attractive for security purposes it carries a performance overhead that should not be ignored. Every session that needs to use TLS also needs to use a little of CPU for both the encryption and decryption processes.
Depending on how you design your network that overhead doesn’t need to be huge but sticking to a rigid mindset of “everything needs to be encrypted in transit” does have costs. It is perhaps more useful to consider instead is the data being transmitted behind a proxy even worth encrypting? Or is it being transmitted inside an environment secure enough that this risk can be sacrificed or mitigated for the sake of high performance?
If you find yourself in an industry or environment where this decision is taken our of your hands, it is usually wise to employ TLS Offloading if your proxies are struggling with CPU use, this is the process of offloading cryptographic tasks to dedicated hardware and letting the proxy/loadbalancer worry about their day jobs.
Building Secure Systems in Reality
When working with the kind of complex integrations discussed in this article, there is a tendency to idealise the systems we’re building and picture them in a mythical greenfield deployment. This mindset is nice, but in reality the constraints you might find yourself under in the field will probably look nothing like the lab.
Security in the real world is a messy business and often you will need to know how to make the most secure product you can, using the systems you have access to whilst delivering the best performance. Delivering the best solution only from understanding the nuance of how they work for individual scenarios.
As we can see, both Layer 4 and Layer 7 proxies have their place. Often there is not really much of a technical barrier to using either for the same application, you could stand up either but that decision should be based on:
- What your application actually does and how it needs to process data
- The type and volumes of data your application processes and how sensitive it is
- How secure the rest of your environment is and if you are in a position to harden it
- What kind of company you work at and what their policies are for encryption
Hopefully my point is coming across here that there is no “right” way of designing an integration like this and I find myself suspicious of anyone claiming to have all of those answers. In fact, the methods I’ve talked about here are just the tip of the iceberg, there are countless other ways you could expose your application in a secure manner and plenty of other good ways you could leverage a Reverse Proxy, these are just the broad strokes. Designing a solution like this requires a good understanding of several overlapping, complicated disciplines and the system you build is going to look completely different depending on your needs.